What are the contact numbers for the lenders offering payment holidays due to the coronavirus?
Mortgage lender |
Policy or contact number |
Accord Mortgages |
The lender can offer a variety of solutions to customers who are worried about meeting their mortgage repayments, including payment holidays. Existing customers should call 0800 138 2403. |
Barclays |
The bank says it is crucial to offer the right support to its customers and will offer repayment holidays for up to 90 days. The lender may also swap some customers to interest-only for 12 months. Existing customers should call 0800 022 4022. |
BM Solutions |
To help customers restore financial stability, customers who have been impacted by Covid-19 will be offered Payment Holidays of up to 3 months. Where a customer wishes to request a payment holiday, intermediaries should ask the customer to call 0345 300 2627 (Option 5, Option 2, Option 1). Colleagues in our existing business team will assist with the payment holiday request. (I understand it is taking over 90 minutes to get through at the moment and we are working on an online form so if it’s not really urgent then it might be worth the client holding fire).
Clydesdale Bank |
If you've been affected by coronavirus (due to illness or self-isolation) and are worried about what this might mean for you financially, there are things we can do to help.
Coventry Building Society |
Customers who are up to date with their mortgage payments and not currently in financial difficulty can request a 3 month payment holiday if they need help as a result of COVID 19. Providing a payment holiday will not attract arrears or adverse Credit data. Once the payment holiday is over, Coventry will look at options to recalculate deferred payments but will contact the client about this. These deferred payments mean that interest will not be collected on their balance (which is not reducing either). Once recalculated, their payment will increase as the balance + interest on the balance not collected during the holiday will be rescheduled over a slightly shorter term. This applies to Residential and Buy to let lending. Contact number for clients affected - 0800 121 8899. |
Digital Mortgages |
Please be assured that we’ll do everything we can to support you if you are affected by COVID-19 - talk to us via the app, or call us on 0333 399 0050. |
Customers should contact us directly if they are worried about their circumstances. Existing mortgage customers should contact HSBC on: 03457 404 40411 |
Kensington Mortgages |
Kensington is offering a range of solutions to meet their needs, including where appropriate, payment holidays. Existing mortgage customers can contact Kensington on: 0800 111020. |
Nationwide Building Society |
Nationwide is supporting customers affected by coronavirus on a case-by-case basis and that includes offering payments holidays where needed. These will not be registered as arrears on the credit file. Existing mortgage customers can contact Nationwide on: 03457 30 20 11. |
NatWest |
The bank says there may be circumstances where a personal customer may fall into financial difficulty as a result of the impacts of coronavirus, for instance, loss of income. It will look to understand each customer’s situation on a case-by-case basis and can offer a number of options to help them manage their finances. |
Santander |
If you’ve been financially impacted by the Coronavirus call us on 0800 023 4603. You can also apply online: https://www.santander.co.uk/personal/support/loans-and-mortgages/coronavirus-faq Santander's dedicated team will look at your situation and explore ways to support you depending on your specific circumstances. This includes the option to defer or reduce your mortgage repayments. |
Customers should contact us directly if they are worried about their circumstances. Existing mortgage customers should contact HSBC on: 03457 404 40411 |
Skipton Building Society |
We’ve set up a dedicated email PaymentHolidayRequests@skipton.co.uk for customers to request a mortgage payment holiday of up to 3 months. Within the email please ensure your client provides their mortgage account number and the best number for us to contact them on, if we need to. Once we’ve received their email, we’ll be in touch to either confirm their request or to discuss their individual circumstances further.
The Mortgage Works |
TMW customers can apply for a 3-month mortgage payment holiday. It won’t affect their credit rating, so there’s one less thing for them to worry about. Your client can apply for a mortgage payment holiday if:Their finances have been affected by Coronavirus. They’re up to date with their monthly mortgage payments and have consent from everyone named on the mortgage. Apply for a TMW payment holiday Where TMW can, they will start their payment holiday from their next payment. If their next payment is in the next few days, their payment holiday may start the following month. We’ll confirm the details when we write to them confirming their payment holiday, this will be within 5-7 working days from submitting their application. To request a payment holiday, your client should email us at SLPaymentholiday@nationwide.co.uk and include the following information: · Name: · Mortgage account number: · Mortgaged property address: We also need them to state the following: · I confirm I am in financial difficulty. · I confirm I am affected by Coronavirus. · I confirm I understand when my payments start again, my mortgage payments and interest may increase. · I confirm I have consent from everyone named on the mortgage. · I confirm I'm happy for TMW to reply to me by email. |
Virgin Money |
Customers should contact us directly if they are worried about their circumstances. Existing mortgage customers can contact Virgin on: 0345 602 8301 |
Source: Knowledge Bank and various emails.