Skipton launches “bespoke” broker service for £1million+ mortgages
Skipton for Intermediaries has launched a “bespoke” service offering borrowers £1-million+ mortgage rates.
The building society is allowing brokers to work with its product team to design rates to suit clients and their personal requirements. Mortgages could have lower arrangement fees or larger overpayment facilities. They can also have a larger cash back or a free property valuation.
Skipton also has a “priority underwrite” to provide fast mortgage offers, providing client have a 25% deposit, and they do not require more than £3 million. The maximum term is capped at 35-years.
Wealthier clients buying in Greater London and the South-East will be able to borrow up to 4.49 times their single or joint incomes, although this rises to 4.75 times salary for the rest of country.
Aaron Strutt, product director at Trinity Financial, says: “The lender points out that additional product features are included in the pricing, and they will impact the overall rate.
“If you are looking for a larger mortgage loan our brokers have access to a host of lenders offering incredibly low rates. The banks and building societies are looking to increase their lending volumes and if they increase their maximum loan sizes, they can lend more money.”
To secure a larger mortgage loan, call Trinity Financial on 020 7016 0790.