Trinity Financial has a wealth of experience arranging large buy-to-let mortgages for both first-time landlords and experienced property investors.
Buy-to-let mortgage rates are surprisingly cheap at the moment. Some mortgage lenders offer rates priced around 3.5% with large arrangement fees, increasing to 5% with lower arrangement fees.
There is competition in the buy-to-let mortgage market, and lenders are keen to issue more mortgages to landlords. This is through high-street lenders, specialist providers, and private banks.
Demand for investment properties
Demand for investment properties, particularly in London and the south-east, has grown in recent years mainly due to the continuing increases in house prices and rental incomes, particularly in the prime markets. The lack of new and affordable homes being built also pushes people to rent.
Our expert advisers continue to help new and experienced investors and professional landlords to grow their property portfolios. Often Trinity can assist in restructuring property portfolios to raise additional funds.
Trinity has access to lenders taking rental income generated from other properties into consideration on top of personal incomes. They will also look at placing a cross charge against other assets or properties as security for new mortgages.
Are larger buy-to-let mortgage rates more expensive?
Many of the lenders offering £500,000+ and £1 million+ buy-to-let mortgages tend to charge slightly more depending on the lender. They are keen to attract property owners, especially when they want larger loans.

Get started with us today
Speak to one of our mortgage experts. Either book an appointment to come and see us, or request one of our experts to call you.
Book a Consultation Talk to an Expert Mortgage QuestionnaireLarge buy-to-let mortgages
Trinity has access to high street mortgage lenders providing £1 million+ buy-to-let mortgages, although these are more standard with private banks and specialist providers.
Are lenders offering limited company buy-to-let mortgages?
A selection of banks and building societies provide limited company buy-to-let mortgages.
More landlords are choosing to arrange buy-to-let mortgages through limited companies rather than in their name. They are doing this to try and boost their profits.
Call Trinity on 020 7016 0790 to secure a buy-to-let mortgage from a leading bank.
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate most Buy to Let Mortgages