£1.5 million limited company buy-to-let mortgage for portfolio landlord buying in Fulham
Trinity Financial recently arranged a £1.5 million limited company buy-to-let mortgage for a portfolio landlord.
Our client agreed to buy a £3.5 million property in Fulham to add to his portfolio. He was keen to generate additional income and boost his overall wealth strategy.
Did they have a complex situation?
Accessing larger mortgage loans for properties in London can be challenging because the rental income is often not large enough to meet the lender stress test requirements.
Our client received income from his stocks and shares investment portfolio, plus rental income from his other buy-to-let properties. He was liquidating stock to raise the deposit.
How did we help?
Trinity's mortgage adviser approached the more standard buy-to-let lenders to check if they would offer a £1.5 million mortgage, although most fell short. This led him to assess the private banks, as they would use his overall financial situation.
One large private bank asked for confirmation of his assets and investments and recent tax returns. After assessing his financial situation, the bank was happy with the property and agreed to lend the total amount. Once the mortgage was approved, a dedicated banker processed the application until the purchase was completed.
Was the rate particularly good?
Trinity's broker arranged a two-year fixed rate priced at just over 5%. Like many borrowers taking a shorter-term fix, they hope to swap to a cheaper deal if rates come down.
Lending solutions with Trinity Financial
Are you looking to buy a property and require expert advice? We’re here to help you find a solution – no matter how complex your circumstances.
At Trinity Financial, our expert brokers have extensive experience providing creative solutions to secure mortgages for our clients.
Call Trinity Financial on 020 7016 0790 to secure a mortgage or book a consultation
The information contained within was correct at the time of publication but is subject to change.
Your mortgage is secured on your property. Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage